Friday, 31 May 2013

Current Loss of players

Hello Heroes,

This is bad news!!!!! SIGH lots players  have been moving games all the time...... When CP has a cool party friends of ppl who play cp withdraw the attention of some heroes in shu so i have a great IDEA!!!!!!!!! Its time for!!! CP vs SHU okay so to start this im sure when ur reading this u feel like my idea is intresting so since umm there are alot of CP players we must increase just 1 point to shu since i vote for it too and I will be updating the score so far based on the comments 


Please vote carefully
comment ur vote 1 time a day and if more than 1 time minus to the team u want and we can tell by the comments u did several times so PLS VOTE WISLEY!!!



Heya Heroes!!

Since the blog has turned to a news half blog i need to make the letters bigger for u to understand so THIS is why i changed the goal of this blog :


Well I was in shu today until I myself saw a hero with a link name  so I seriously wanted to report the incident but i was too scared coz the one with a link name. might be a hacker and might hack my acc when he finds out so I stayed secret and didnt say a word.If I see him again i will report him !!!!!

Remember NEVER EVER be friends with a person who is a framer or something even though they say they will make u a member

STAY TUNED FOR ARTICLE 2 Every week !!!!


If you think a person is bad dont keep up you must let the mods or shu police investigate or if you keep up you might be in great danger-Chunami:0001


Heya Heroes!

So THE FINAL Winner for the membership is (*6 months*) 
*Drumroll* LISA

So whoever didnt win the comp do not worry theres like 5 comps that happened this year so NO doubt that there will be membership comps this year!!!

Congratuations Lisa !!!!!(sob sob that kristo,brianna didnt win) SO EVERYBODY WHO DIDNT WIN JUST NEVER GIVE UP EARN THE MEMBERSHIP FROM UR PARENTS!!!!!

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Wazzup !!

Wazzup Heroes!

Welcome to my new blog !!! I hope u enjoy this blog coz we will have all the latest updates u can wish for! Do u know how ppl are crazy over shu? Well they can crazy talk here!!! Do not forget to ask your parents in viewing this site!!!!!!!! Umm to make this post longer THEMEMBERSHIP COMP ENDS SOON SO VISIT THIS link !